Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Lucy, Joseph, and the Three Witnesses in Pontiac

100 Chippewa Rd in Pontiac, MI
On Sunday evening September 24th, 25 members of the Church gathered at 100 Chippewa Rd for a fireside presentation by Brother Richard Stamps who recounted the visits of Joseph Smith, his mother Lucy Mack Smith, and the 3 Witnesses to the Book of Mormon to Pontiac. What is surprising is the effect of these visits, resulting in the creation of 12 branches of the church in Oakland County  by 1845 (Pontiac is the county seat) as described in a Wikipedia article about the Church in Michigan

Two fascinating stories are about Lucy Mack Smith's retort to a local minister who belittled the prophetic mission of her son and an account of Joseph preaching in Pontiac. The Church News published the following about Lucy Mack Smith: "In early summer 1831, Lucy Mack Smith, mother of the Prophet, ventured from Kirtland, Ohio, to Detroit, Mich., to visit the family of her brother. Accompanied by son Hyrum and several other missionaries, Lucy demonstrated her own missionary zeal when a Pontiac, Mich., pastor, a Mr. Ruggles, challenged Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Mormon and Sister Smith's testimony that the book contained the fullness of the gospel.

Unflustered by the negative portrayal of her son and the Church, Sister Smith said that within three years a third of Mr. Ruggles' congregation would be "lost to the Mormons." When Mormon missionaries Jared Carter and Moses Daley came to preach in Michigan in 1832-33, Lucy Mack Smith's words were fulfilled. More than 70 members of Mr. Ruggles' congregation entered the waters of baptism."

Edward Stevenson recounted, "[A]fter the organization of the Pontiac [Michigan] Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints, in 1834, we had the pleasure of having a visit from the Prophet Joseph Smith: a plain but noble looking man, of large frame and about 6 feet high. With him was his Father, Joseph Smith, and Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris, whose sister Sophia Kellog lived in our settlement.

A great stir was made in this settlement at so distinguised visitors the meetings held were crowded to see and hear the testamonies given which were powerful I will here relate my own experience on the ocaision of a meeting in our old log school House The Prophet stood at a table for the pulpit whare he began relateing his vision and before he got through he was in the midst of the congregation with uplifted hand. I do believe that there was not one person presant who did at the time being or who was not convicted of the truth of his vision, of an Angle to him his countanance seemed to me to assume a heavenly whiteness and his voice was so peirseing and forcible for my part it so impressed me as to become indellibly imprinted in my mind….

The visit of this man of God to our house … left a lasting remembrance with us and will stand as a witness against those who were so favoured above many.

In that same year, 1834, in the midst of many large congregations, the Prophet testified with great power concerning the visit of the Father and the Son, and the conersation he had with them. Never before did I feel such power as was manifested on these occasions."

Church News Article about Lucy Mack Smith:

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A Heartwarming Gathering

 It was wonderful to visit and be with approximately 60 members and friends of the church during a “Getting Acquainted” potluck barbeque on Saturday evening. The pictures below capture some of those who were present as we enjoyed good food and company and celebrated President Nelson’s 99th birthday.  The highlight of the evening was Stake President Marcelino Sanchez’s dedication of the 100 Chippewa Road residence as a gathering place for the saints in Pontiac.

This is the beginning of social and fellowshipping activities designed to strengthen members and friends of the church in Pontiac and help them to feel the love of God as we look back to the amazing church history which occurred here and forward to a resurgence of growth and solidarity in the area.