Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Powerless in Pontiac

We got a Facebook message Tuesday afternoon while we were driving to Lapeer to inspect a missionary apartment from an inactive member who was desperate for a ride because she was in an abusive relationship.  We thought we knew this person because we had visited her last November and had returned to give her some Christmas gift cards from the church as she had requested. About a month later she moved, and we lost contact.

It is amazing how quickly your life can change. After inspecting the missionary apartment in Lapeer, we were suddenly engulfed in a ferocious storm which left more than 335,000 households without power. We encountered numerous wrecks and traffic lights that were out as we drove 70 miles to pick up the lady who had messaged us.

It turns out we had never met her before. The girlfriend of her former husband had impersonated her to get church assistance. This sister had been living in a tent in the woods for the past 2 years and recently spent 2 weeks with someone who then told her she had to get out. We drove her 20 miles to see if she still had her tent in the woods. After getting her some dinner, we let her out in the dark about a quarter mile from her tent. We were concerned because it was dark and there had been more than inch of rain with horrendous wind gusts. (The next day she messaged us that her tent was still there.)

It took us about a half hour to get home because of so many wrecks and traffic lights that were out. That’s when we realized we had no power, but still felt fortunate because it was more than a tent.

The next morning, we got another text from a recent convert requesting help because he was homeless. Such is our senior missionary life in Pontiac. Fortunately, Mama Shep (as the missionaries like to call her) had volunteered to provide biscuits and gravy for the transfer missionary lunch for 21 people following the Rochester and Lapeer district missionary councils on Wednesday and the soup for the 25 people who showed up for Soup & Scriptures in our dark, warm powerless house that night. There was no way we could cook during our 3 days without electricity, and while cleaning out our freezer and refrigerator as food started to spoil.

We question the difference our meager efforts are making in Pontiac but felt reassured by the powerful spirit which we all felt that evening despite our lack of electricity. The picture includes some of those who participated and enjoyed Mama Shep’s wonderful soup. As Elder Henrie quipped: "Power or no power we gather Israel." 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

June 2024 Pontiac Newsletter

Pray, He is There

When Jesus was on the earth, He taught us to pray, saying: “Ask, and ye shall receive.” (Matthew 7:7) Sister Susan H Porter, General Primary President explained, “When you know that Heavenly Father is real and that He loves you, you can live with courage and hope.

She encourages us to:

  1.  Pray to Know – to know that God really is there and cares. She suggested that often the best question to ask Heavenly Father is not Why, but What. Heavenly Father will guide you when you ask Him what you can do and what you can learn.
  2.  Pray to GrowHeavenly Father wants to help you grow. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to show us the way to live. Jesus Christ suffered, died, and was resurrected so we can be forgiven of our sins and grow to become more like Him. Do you want to grow in patience or honesty? Do you want to grow in a skill? Pray, He is there. Through His Spirit, your heart can change, and you can receive strength.
  3. Pray to ShowYou can pray for help to show Heavenly Father’s love to others. Heavenly Father will help you notice someone who is sad so you can comfort them. He can help you show His love by forgiving someone. He can give you courage to serve someone.

Sister Porter invites us to pray to know Heavenly Father is there, pray to grow to become like Him, and pray to show His love to others. Pray, He is there!


“We need to evaluate our lives, repent, and keep on trying. If we don’t try, we’re just latter-day sinners; if we don’t persevere, we’re latter-day quitters; and if we don’t allow others to try, we’re just latter-day hypocrites. As we try, persevere, and help others to do the same, we are true Latter-day Saints. As we change, we will find that God indeed cares a lot more about who we are and about who we are becoming than about who we once were.Elder Dale G. Renlund

 June 2024 Calendar

Sunday Sacrament Meeting in Pontiac: 

·       Sunday Noon broadcast of the Rochester Ward sacrament meeting at 100 Chippewa Rd in Pontiac.

Soup & Scriptures in Pontiac:

·       Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm at 100 Chippewa Rd in Pontiac. Join us for soup and an opportunity to participate in scripture study led by the missionaries. Come, be fed both physically and spiritually.


Lake Orion Ward - at 1610 Brewster Road in Rochester Hills

·       Sunday Sacrament Meeting - 9 am Sunday mornings.

·       Lake Orion Ward Youth Fundraiser – 4 to 6 pm Saturday, June 1st at 1610 Brewster Road Ward building - $10 car wash and baked good sale.


Rochester Ward - at 1610 Brewster Road in Rochester Hills 

·       Sunday Sacrament Meeting – Sunday noon.

·       Relief Society Activity - 7pm June 13th – meet 7 pm at 2800 Hamlin Rd, Rochester Hills to walk in Innovations Hill Park.

·       Rochester Ward Temple Day – June 22 at the Detroit Michigan Temple/Bloomfield Hills Stake Center. Noon – lunch, 1:30 pm baptisms and 1:30 pm Initiatories and sealings


We welcome you and look forward to worshiping and growing together with you.  "If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed.  But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God 'which healeth the wounded soul', and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them.  In this age of waning faith—in this age when so many feel distanced from heaven’s embrace—here you will find a people who yearn to know and draw closer to their Savior by serving God and fellowmen, just like you. Come, join with us!” - Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Friday, May 24, 2024

The Oldest Sibling - If Only for a Day!


The photo above is of me and my three sisters feeding bummer lambs that were given to us. While it may look like my sisters are all older than me, I would like to point out that it all DEPENDS on the situation. Just because Irene was born 12 years, Clara 10 years, and Norma 4 years before me does not mean that I will never be older than them.

They are constantly telling me about what I have to look forward to in another 4, 10, and 12 years - like the joy of increasing or constant pain, having mobility and leg problems, and the ever popular memory issues. They have definitely convinced me that our father was using hyperbole when he quoted Robert Browning's "Come grow old with me! The best is yet to be. The last of life, for which the first was made."

But not today! Today, I am older than them because I had Cystoscopy Bilateral RP, Ureteroscopy  surgery with laser. As I lay in bed wearing DEPENDS, with a stint in my urethra without control of my bladder and painfully discharging blood as I urinate, it dawned on me that who is oldest really DEPENDS on the situation. Today it is me - I'm the oldest. 

Hopefully, this will all change tomorrow and they can once again tell me just how fortunate I am to only be 76 and what I have to look forward to in 4, 10, and 12 years.

You know the picture above really fits with this posting because old age really can be a bummer - DEPENDING on the situation!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Having No Regrets

We will never regret being kind and caring.
                                                       Have you ever had a time when you were flooded with enlightenment and positivity? I was astonished with the understanding that seemed to flow into my mind while participating in a missionary zone conference. My mind was filled with bursts of light and rays of revelation affirming that kindness and goodness are positive forces we create and impart to bless others and ourselves eternally.                                                                                                    

I am convinced that on Judgment Day, we will experience profound joy and delight for every kind and positive interaction we initiate, and conversely intense torment and shame for when we are angry, mean, or hurtful.

So much of the world is consumed with contention, pride, vengeance, and superiority which is the opposite of the Savior's teaching "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31

The natural man is so self-centered and lacking in humility. Thinking we know better, we proudly emit negative energy - looking down to criticize and slam others. Sadly politicians are adept at this, highlighting Christ's perspective in Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"  It's just not worth being unkind and arrogant - even if we can rule the world. And on the other hand, we will never regret being kind and caring to others - which ultimately adds to their happiness and well-being, as well as our own.

This is especially true with family members. Parents need to build and uplift rather than scold, belittle, and severely punish their children - realizing whatever they give out will return amplified upon themselves in eternity. Children who honor and obey their parents will have joy and avoid the incredible pain that those who berate their fathers and mothers will suffer and feel. And siblings will ultimately receive an increased measure of their treatment to their brothers and sisters.

It is the same with our friends and associates. The idea that we can be cruel, vindictive, and mean without any regard for the eternal law of the harvest - like it won't come back magnified on us is absolutely foolish and stupid. Ultimately, what we sow is what we will reap. We will be grateful and have no regrets for being humble, kind and caring.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Pondering Poverty in Pontiac

A picture of Elizabeth Denison, an unmarried, free black woman, who purchase property in Pontiac in 1825
Picture of Elizabeth Denison, an unmarried, free black woman who purchased property in Pontiac in 1825
                         Clink on the links highlighted in yellow for background information.

Pontiac history details a painful economic transition from prosperity to poverty. As senior missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are familiar with 1st- the remarkable early history of the church in Pontiac, and 2nd- how current overwhelming needs impact the current strength and growth of the church here. Many residents are weighed down and grapple with generational challenges and situations over which they have little control and lack resources that too many of us just take for granted - such as:
  1. Reliable transportation. Imagine trying to get to and from work, church, school, medical appointments, shopping, etc. when your options are walking, limited bus service, paying Uber, or asking friends. We don't consider having a car a big deal, but it really is.
  2. Post high school education/technical training. With immediate economic needs and no tradition or support for additional schooling it is the rare exception that students are aware of, or pursue, additional training that give them skills, confidence, and opportunities to increase income and career success.
  3. Healthy lifestyle and medical resources. Physical and emotional wellbeing is severely impacted by the overwhelming and ongoing stress of poverty. Everyone is subject to health problems, but they seem more limiting for the impoverished with limited access to good medical treatment. One sister was amazed at the difference and respect provided during her doctor appointment when a well educated, affluent member accompanied her.
  4. Stable male support. It is difficult when there is a father and mother striving to provide for the well-being of a family, but it is crippling and severely compromised without stable male support. I marvel at the strength of women who must shoulder all the overwhelming family responsibilities, and often when they are the grandmother.
  5. Living in a crime free environment. We supposedly live in safe area of Pontiac, but often walk by the memorial to a 16-year-old girl who was killed in a gangland crossfire shooting and we mourn with the grandmother recently baptized who lost her 7-year-old granddaughter in a similar situation across town in 2022. About 5% of our member households have someone who is currently incarcerated. The Pontiac daily crime rate is 2.77 (almost 3 times) higher than the national average, which makes us grateful to live on the same block as the county sheriff. Oh, and the Pontiac Police Department was disbanded in 2011 due to a lack of finances. I guess that is something most of us just take for granted but can be severely impacted by poverty.
In the opening section of the Doctrine & Covenants the Lord explains, "That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers." I am a taken aback by this declaration and can confirm the accuracy that Sister Goates & I are very weak and simple when confronted with such significant challenges. We wonder why the Lord did not send a Moses to turn the tide of poverty in Pontiac. We do not anticipate ministering to kings or rulers, and hope we don't have to make a report to our neighbor - the sheriff.

Trusting the Lord and hoping to to share the love of God with our Pontiac friends and members, we are doing what weak and simple people do as inspired, such as:

  1. Holding Soup & Scriptures every Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the hopes of providing some physical and spiritual nourishment.
  2. Teaching an English class for migrant Spanish speakers who make up approximately 25% of Pontiac. We do not doubt that some are descendants of Lehi who the Lord promised to gather in the last days.
  3. Broadcast a weekly Sunday sacrament meeting in our home where we pass the sacrament. We feel the deeply personal interactions and fellowshipping are heartwarming and reassuring of God's love to all who attend.
  4. Offering a 6-week post-high school technical/educational opportunities class for Spanish speaking families. 
  5. Tutoring a 14 & 16 year old brother and sister to help them succeed and pursue additional educational opportunities.
  6. Sending out a monthly letter like the one attached to encourage our members and friends to recognize and incorporate the principles and blessing of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  7. Visiting and fellowshipping with our members and friend as inspired.
We are often overwhelmed - like the Sunday (actually it was Christmas Day) we were called to break up a heated argument in a homeless shelter, but take heart when friends and members show up for the English class, Soup & Scriptures, or to attend sacrament meeting.

We are open to other suggestions and ideas that simple and weak people like us can use in the Lord's effort. We can only wonder at what the Millennium will be like when we have all things in common and there will be no poor among us - including Pontiac!

January 2024 Pontiac Member Newsletter

             Come, Follow Me 2024 – The Book of Mormon

The claims of the Book of Mormon are astonishing – that it is another witness of Jesus Christ and history of God’s dealing with the ancient inhabitants of America, including the resurrected Savior ministering to the people here. It comes with the promise that those who receive it and sincerely ask God will know if it is true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

It is either true or false, and you can know by reading it and asking God if it is true. Who does not want to know that?

If one receives a spiritual witness that it is true – it means:

·       God loves us, has a plan of happiness for us, and we are His children.

·       Jesus really is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who died for us.

·       He overcame death and we will all be resurrected and judged by Him.

·       God actually talks to prophets and has restored His church.

·       Our happiness now and in eternity is determined by how we obey Jesus Christ and serve our fellowman.

Please read, study, and pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon this year. Its message and concepts are all about God’s love for us.

Anyone who claims Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon gives him too much credit! He did not know about the ancient Hebrew form of writing called chiasmus that is found throughout the book – an example is Alma 36 is on the back of this letter. The mathematical probability of chiasmus just happening 17 lines deep and then reversing itself after centering on Jesus Christ is absolutely impossible! Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it so you can know for yourself.

January 2024 Calendar - The Lake Orion and Rochester Wards (which both meet in the 1610 Brewster Rd chapel in Rochester Hills) will switch their Sunday meetings times beginning January 7, 2024. The Lake Orion Ward will start their sacrament meeting at 9 am, and the Rochester Ward will hold their sacrament meeting at noon.

Also at the Rochester Hills building - Rochester Ward Relief Society Activity – Cookies, Cocoa, & Conversation: Stop by the Relief Society room anytime between 6-8 pm on January 11th.

Early Valentine social 7 pm Friday, January 26, 2024 at 100 Chippewa Rd for a fun evening of fellowship and games. Bring a favorite snack and game. We’ll have a good time.

Weekly at 100 Chippewa Road in Pontiac:

  • Soup & Scriptures – Wednesdays at 6:30 pm - join us for soup and an opportunity to participate in scripture study led by the missionaries. Come be fed both physically and spiritually.
  • Sacrament Meeting - Sunday at noon - watch a broadcast of the Lake Orion Ward sacrament meeting and partake of the sacrament.
  • English Class – Saturday at 5:30 pm – tell your friends who don’t speak English about this class.