Saturday, March 23, 2024

Having No Regrets

We will never regret being kind and caring.
                                                       Have you ever had a time when you were flooded with enlightenment and positivity? I was astonished with the understanding that seemed to flow into my mind while participating in a missionary zone conference. My mind was filled with bursts of light and rays of revelation affirming that kindness and goodness are positive forces we create and impart to bless others and ourselves eternally.                                                                                                    

I am convinced that on Judgment Day, we will experience profound joy and delight for every kind and positive interaction we initiate, and conversely intense torment and shame for when we are angry, mean, or hurtful.

So much of the world is consumed with contention, pride, vengeance, and superiority which is the opposite of the Savior's teaching "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31

The natural man is so self-centered and lacking in humility. Thinking we know better, we proudly emit negative energy - looking down to criticize and slam others. Sadly politicians are adept at this, highlighting Christ's perspective in Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"  It's just not worth being unkind and arrogant - even if we can rule the world. And on the other hand, we will never regret being kind and caring to others - which ultimately adds to their happiness and well-being, as well as our own.

This is especially true with family members. Parents need to build and uplift rather than scold, belittle, and severely punish their children - realizing whatever they give out will return amplified upon themselves in eternity. Children who honor and obey their parents will have joy and avoid the incredible pain that those who berate their fathers and mothers will suffer and feel. And siblings will ultimately receive an increased measure of their treatment to their brothers and sisters.

It is the same with our friends and associates. The idea that we can be cruel, vindictive, and mean without any regard for the eternal law of the harvest - like it won't come back magnified on us is absolutely foolish and stupid. Ultimately, what we sow is what we will reap. We will be grateful and have no regrets for being humble, kind and caring.

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