Saturday, January 6, 2024

January 2024 Pontiac Member Newsletter

             Come, Follow Me 2024 – The Book of Mormon

The claims of the Book of Mormon are astonishing – that it is another witness of Jesus Christ and history of God’s dealing with the ancient inhabitants of America, including the resurrected Savior ministering to the people here. It comes with the promise that those who receive it and sincerely ask God will know if it is true by the power of the Holy Ghost.

It is either true or false, and you can know by reading it and asking God if it is true. Who does not want to know that?

If one receives a spiritual witness that it is true – it means:

·       God loves us, has a plan of happiness for us, and we are His children.

·       Jesus really is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, who died for us.

·       He overcame death and we will all be resurrected and judged by Him.

·       God actually talks to prophets and has restored His church.

·       Our happiness now and in eternity is determined by how we obey Jesus Christ and serve our fellowman.

Please read, study, and pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon this year. Its message and concepts are all about God’s love for us.

Anyone who claims Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon gives him too much credit! He did not know about the ancient Hebrew form of writing called chiasmus that is found throughout the book – an example is Alma 36 is on the back of this letter. The mathematical probability of chiasmus just happening 17 lines deep and then reversing itself after centering on Jesus Christ is absolutely impossible! Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it so you can know for yourself.

January 2024 Calendar - The Lake Orion and Rochester Wards (which both meet in the 1610 Brewster Rd chapel in Rochester Hills) will switch their Sunday meetings times beginning January 7, 2024. The Lake Orion Ward will start their sacrament meeting at 9 am, and the Rochester Ward will hold their sacrament meeting at noon.

Also at the Rochester Hills building - Rochester Ward Relief Society Activity – Cookies, Cocoa, & Conversation: Stop by the Relief Society room anytime between 6-8 pm on January 11th.

Early Valentine social 7 pm Friday, January 26, 2024 at 100 Chippewa Rd for a fun evening of fellowship and games. Bring a favorite snack and game. We’ll have a good time.

Weekly at 100 Chippewa Road in Pontiac:

  • Soup & Scriptures – Wednesdays at 6:30 pm - join us for soup and an opportunity to participate in scripture study led by the missionaries. Come be fed both physically and spiritually.
  • Sacrament Meeting - Sunday at noon - watch a broadcast of the Lake Orion Ward sacrament meeting and partake of the sacrament.
  • English Class – Saturday at 5:30 pm – tell your friends who don’t speak English about this class.

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