Friday, April 10, 2020

What the Resurrection Means to Me

Kristie was wearing the clothes in the picture below when we met for the first time while we were waiting to meet with our local church leader.  I joke that he would assign us to get married, but actually it was just to be the "father" and "mother" of approximately 16 young adult college students to meet weekly for a "home evening" lesson/activity. 

Kristie was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s 14 years ago and has been as meek and helpless as a new-born baby for several years.  The picture below is from a Bridge Magazine article regarding Alzheimer’s which begins and ends with our story.

Last year while studying the New Testament and reading about the Savior’s ministry, I thought how wonderful it would be to live when the Savior was on the earth, and witness Him healing Kristie and restoring her mortal abilities.

And then I was struck with the thought that because of Jesus Christ, Kristie will be healed in the resurrection - but it will be so much better than if she were restored now, because in the resurrection she will come forth glorified with her mental, physical, and spiritual abilities more magnificent than they ever were on earth.

I was mesmerized by the mortal Kristie 47 years ago.  I thought she was the most interesting and beautiful person I had ever met, but I cannot begin to comprehend how magnificent she will be as a glorified, resurrection being.  I believe her earthy beauty and abilities will pale in comparison.  That is what the resurrection means to me.


  1. Wayne, your words about the resurrection and how it will impact you and Kirstie are so inspiring on this “Good Friday!” Thank you for lifting us and helping us see a perspective beyond this mortal existence as well as what Christ profers through the resurrection. We pray that you may have a peaceful heart with the knowledge you have of these eternal principles.

    1. Pam, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe I was your family home evening group father a couple years before I met Kristie. How blessed are we because we have a Savior, know of God's love and His plan of happiness for everyone.

  2. It has occurred to me, Wayne, that you have been strengthened spiritually as well as physically while meeting with the challenges of Kristie's illness....blessings you may not have experienced any other way.
